Tre capolavori dalla stessa asta/three masterpieces from the same auction…

Imm. 1: “Price 1635”.
12,74 g. Estimate 300 euro. Unsold. Not in Pella: Peso medio degli altri 16 tetradrammi della stessa zecca (Cuma Eolica) e dello stesso periodo (188-170 a.C.)/ Average weight of the 16 tetradrachms of the same mint (Cyme) in the same period (188-170 b.C.): 16,086 g (min. 14,28 g, max. 16,98 g).
16,086-12,74= 3,346

Imm. 2: “Price 1679”.
12,31 g. Estimate 300 euro. Unsold. 4 esemplari/ specimens in Pella: Peso medio dei 4 Price 1679/ average weight of the 4 Price 1679: 16,06 g (min. 15,21 g, max. 16,67 g).
16,06-12,31= 3,75

Imm. 3: “SNG Copenhagen 1269”.
12,26 g. Estimate 190 euro. SOLD at 500 euro!!! Peso di/ Weight of SNG Copenhagen 1269= 15,37 g. “… his last tetradrachms weighed between 15.30 g and 15,60 g…”1.
15,37-12,26= 3,11
Il solo commento possibile/ the only possible remark:
Nuova asta, stessa storia… New auction, same story… NO WT. GIVEN
- Mørkolm 1991, p. 164.
Mørkolm 1991= O. Mørkolm, Early Hellenistic Coinage. From the accession of Alexander the Great to the peace of Apamea (336-188 B.C.), Frome and London, 1991.
M.J. Price, The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus, 2 voll., London, 1991.
SNG, The royals collections of coins and medals. Danish National Museum. Thrace and Macedonia, 2, Copenhagen, 1982.
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