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Tag Archives: English Version
Patraos! Again!!!
Tu quoque Br… ummmm… Tu quoque Baldwin’s! Again I’ve found a fake Patraos pedigree, and moreover a multiple one and by “one of the largest and longest established numismatic dealers and auction houses in the world”: Baldwin’s.
Fake Pedigrees. Updated 12-10-16
In this article, that follows another one (in which are 4 other cases) and that I will write directly in my not perfect English, I will publish all the fake pedigrees I will find. I suspect that they are very … Continue reading
The Sceptical “Amateur Scholar of Numismatics”. 5 + English Version
Ecco l’ennesimo caso di un “professionista non professionale” nel mondo del commercio numismatico. Ho appena dato uno sguardo all’asta online 68 del 2 ottobre della casa d’aste WAG online Auktionen oHG. This is yet another case of a “professional unprofessional” … Continue reading
Proposal for a more ethical collection of ancient coins
Any illicit excavation is regrettable not only because deprives the community of more or less valuable objects, but especially because it destroys documentation; this is exactly equivalent to the fire of an archive, the cards of which have not been … Continue reading
L’asta Numismatik Naumann 43 del 1 maggio 2016 tenuta sulla piattaforma è stata interrotta a metà per problemi tecnici. Tuttavia le offerte (anche quelle già vincenti) sono state considerate valide e gli acquirenti sono stati informati tempestivamente tramite … Continue reading
The Sceptical “Amateur Scholar of Numismatics”. 4 English Version.
ARE THE ALEXANDER’S GOLD STATER OF PERGAMON GENUINE? During my studies about the coinage of Alexander the Great I accidentally knew a rare and very expensive coinage of gold staters, which was analyzed by François de Callataÿ.
The Sceptical “Amateur Scholar of Numismatics”. 3 + English Version
2 – SITUAZIONE SINTOMATICA/ORRORE/”POSSIBILE” FALSO Nell’attesa di un grosso articolo, che mi sta richiedendo più tempo del previsto, scrivo queste poche righe per protestare contro un malcostume (almeno a mio parere) numismatico: l’”inscatolettamento” delle monete da parte di enti certificatori.
The Sceptical “Amateur Scholar of Numismatics”. 1/2 English Version
I approached numismatics as a lover of history. I look each coin of which I’m interested in with curious eyes not of the esthete, but of the historian who goes in search of useful elements for understanding the past.